Wednesday, March 7, 2012

What's the main difference between Call of Duty and Battlefield?

I know one difference, Call of Duty has the story and cool FPS. Battlefield has the graphics, gameplay, teamwork and realistic warfare from bullet drop to deaths. Which do you think is a better series? I have never played Battlefield but I have played almost every Call of Duty and I love them all.What's the main difference between Call of Duty and Battlefield?
You kinda answered your own question

I got every single Battlefield game

I also got MW2

I play all of them and enjoy them a lot

Cod is more about running around and shooting people while Bad Company 2 is more about teamwork.

You would get a luck headshoot or a knife throw and say "holly crap did you see that? awesome!" at MW2

Your squad takes down an entire enemy base together and say "hell yeah guys!! good job"... Well, it is called Battlefield moments(By EA lol, but I get those moments a lot)

I am sure you will understand how the battlefield games with this video鈥?/a>鈥?/a>
Cod is fast paced with shorter campaign but with more emphasis on multiplayer

the old battlefield games ex. battlefield 1942 has no campaign (actual does just not the that good) but more emphasis on gameplay than story

also another note cod has been making games every year since their break out game of call of duty 4: modern warfare while the last official battlefield game was in 2005 with battlefield 2 but a side series of battlefield bad company 1 and 2 was released in the last 3 years

cod games: 8 w/o expansion packs battlefield games: 6 including side stories and excluding expansion packsWhat's the main difference between Call of Duty and Battlefield?
Call of Duty has a different story line and is based in some different places. Battlefield has better graphics and has more interactive game-play like flying Helicopters and and flying Jets, and multiplayer is a lot better, in my opinion.

I think that Battlefield it better than Call of Duty.
Battlefield is overall greater because it requires the team to be good and work together in order to win and there are vehicles and I don't think that "Cool FPS" is really a difference between the two since there both good but Battlefield sticks out because it is set at a much better pace and much more satisfying to get kills with. In CoD you get spawn killed and it is not really fun to get owned by one dude camping in the cornerWhat's the main difference between Call of Duty and Battlefield?
I think the main difference between the two (that you didn't already mention) is basically the gameplay strategy. In my opinion, I think both series' are great and have their own pros and cons.
battlefield is a "war like" game it has tanks and helicopters you can operate cod dosent but i still love and prefer cod series. heard mw3s coming out soon
Battlefield has larger teams and maps, and you would need team work to win. Call of Duty depending on the game mode you could pretty much carry your team.

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