Saturday, February 25, 2012

What's the difference between the multiplayer in Call of Duty and Battlefield?

I'm going to buy either Modern Warfare 3 or Battlefield 3 later this year. The deciding factor for me will be the multiplayer so I was wondering what are the key differences between the multiplayer in CoD and Battlefield.What's the difference between the multiplayer in Call of Duty and Battlefield?
Modern Warfare 3:

Runs on engine from CoD4 but with upgrades.

Most unrealistic FPS game that is based on modern time.

Most likely will be the same thing.

CoD: Elite: Give stats for free and if you pay you get to make groups and clans. if you pay you also get all MW3 DLC free but when you upgrade you have to agree that you will pay for x months before you cancel.

Battlefield 3:

Runs on new engine

Have vehicles, like jets, which you can fly in MP, tanks, boats, etc.

Has bullet drop (The more the bullet travels the lower it will go | Makes sniping realistic)

Can destroy 98% of map.

Realistic (DICE is using a animation program used for spots games)

EA has stated that Battlefield 3 will have 3 times the DLC Bad Company 2 had, which is 7, so BF3 will for sure have 21 DLC.

Battlelogs: Almost like CoD: Elite but 100% free.

I have stated the facts, now you pick.What's the difference between the multiplayer in Call of Duty and Battlefield?
The modern warfare series are easier to jump into and get used to pretty fast, and the action is more fast paced. Battlefield games are more realistic, and they take longer to get used to, and its more of a military simulator, where modern warfare is an arcade shooter.

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