Saturday, February 25, 2012

What are your feelings about seeing women on the battlefield?

I know equality is equality, and if they want to defend their country it's their right as citizens. But I personally find the idea of women being deployed on the battlefield and being killed, maimed and blown to pieces a bit disturbing, I don't want to see women die.

What are your opinions ?What are your feelings about seeing women on the battlefield?
As a pacifist, I don't like seeing anyone on the battlefield.
There are several entirely practical reasons why women in combat positions (and indeed, in the military at all) is a really bad idea.

Firstly there is the practical matter of what will happen to women POWs. Beyond the usual torture and mistreatment common in war, it is an absolute certainty that women prisoners will be raped. Repeatedly. Probably gang-raped the moment they're removed from the battlefield, and continuing in an unending horror of sexual abuse that -- if she's lucky -- will eventually result in her being raped and beaten to death.

Not that rape doesn't occur with male POWs, but most societies discourage homosexual behavior, so it's less common. Rape of female prisoners, on the other hand, is absolutely certain.

Secondly, there is the matter of military morale. The necessities of war require soldiers in peak physical condition who are highly aggressive, competitive, and trained to physically overpower the enemy. This is relatively easy to achieve with men, whose natural testosterone levels are over ten times that of women. Female soldiers cannot help but be handicapped by a natural lack of this chemical.

Consequently, a woman present among men will become the object of sexual attention. Given the competitive nature of the environment, fights over women are inevitable, leading to declining morale and efficiency in combat. The line soldier must be able to instinctively depend on his fellows, and this is impossible if there are feelings of mistrust because of competition for female attention.

Finally, there is the simple matter of procreation. Most Western cultures, having been relatively successful in warfare for the last century or so, fail to even consider this matter.

The fact is that sending women to combat is culturally suicidal.

Imagine a war that goes very, very badly. So badly that massive numbers of troops -- hundreds of thousands, or potentially millions -- are killed during the war.

If the soldiers are all men, those who survive can return home to procreate. If the post-war ratio of women to men is even as low as 10:1, the culture can still survive by allowing one man to procreate with ten women. The simple numbers are that one man can sire ten simultaneous babies with ease.

One man, ten women, ten babies.

The reverse is not true. If your military has gender parity (that is, 50% men and 50% woman), the post-war male:female ratio will be 1:1.

One man, one woman, one baby.

The math is therefore simple: to hedge against massive losses in a war, protect women at all costs. In terms of continuing your culture or species, women are astronomically more important than men.

You don't send your baby-carriers into battle. It's suicide.What are your feelings about seeing women on the battlefield?
Not all battles are fought on the battle field. I find the idea of collateral damage disturbing. Women and children are routinely killed during a war effort. Are they hero's? Most males I know, personally, seem to believe that being killed or maimed in a war effort will give them increased status. A "hero". Women choose to participate in conflict for different reasons than males. However, war is a male thing, strongly associated with ego and power. So guys, go for it.
I find the idea of anybody being killed, maimed, or blown to pieces disturbing.

I think, though, that if a woman is just as capable of a particular dangerous job as a man is, that there's no reason to stick the man with the dangerous job every time. Not that I'd want the dangerous job myself, but in terms of fairness, men shouldn't have to take all the risks.What are your feelings about seeing women on the battlefield?
Let me get this straight - you find women on the battlefield being maimed, shot, or blown to pieces disturbing? Does that mean it's okay for men to be maimed, shot at or blown up?

Personally, I find war itself to be very disturbing, and I don't want to see ANY of our service men %26amp; women die. They are where they are to help protect our country. I never understood why intelligent people can find no other way to resolve their differences.

And in answer to your question, I fee the same about seeing women on the battlefield as I do about seeing men on the battlefield....neither are acceptable to me.
I don't think it's any worse than seeing men, especially young men, being killed, maimed and blown to pieces (or hearing about it). If you think seeing women die is more disturbing than seeing men die you are placing a higher value on women's lives and you are a sexist. But then we already knew that. *Yawns*


"Sam what does *yawns* mean, and calling me sexist. Is this another example of shaming language."

"Yawn" -

鈥?verb 1 involuntarily open one鈥檚 mouth wide and inhale deeply due to tiredness or boredom. 2 (yawning) wide open: a yawning chasm.

鈥?noun 1 an act of yawning. 2 informal a boring or tedious thing or event.

鈥?ORIGIN Old English.

"Sexism -

鈥?noun prejudice, stereotyping, or discrimination, typically against women, on the basis of sex.

鈥?DERIVATIVES sexist adjective %26amp; noun.
Women in Jamaica had to fight, there were no ifs and or buts, in the Jamaica rebellion when the British came to capture there was no luxury to decide who fought.

This is why I am personally against any war, if men or women wish to fight a never ending battle fueled by hate I do not support! Healthy discontent is the prelude to progress but why does it have to end in war, with the slaughter of innocence?

In the words of the greatest man that walked the Earth: I object to violence because when it appears to do good, the good is only temporary; the evil it does is permanent. Gandhi.
Ok, ok THREE thumbs down for Dakota Smith?? People, that just aint right. He said everything there is to say. Morale, discipline, agression, testosterone production, post-war's all covered! What disputable comment is there in his answer? I really don't understand GWS.

A guy goes through some tedious typing to show every stage of his thought process, backs it up with facts and reasoning, AND STILL gets shot down. When is it good enough?
As a woman who was on the battlefield for 15 months, I'd say I'm pretty used to seeing me there. :)

And this is going to sound harsh, but quite frankly I don't give a d@mn if you find it disturbing. There are plenty who find it disturbing for ANY to join the military--should we disband the military for you?

Look, the military is about war. We KNOW that when we join. If I'm willing to take the risks of death, imprisonment (POW), torture (POW), rape (POW), maiming or emotional difficulties (PTSD), that's MY choice. I knew what I was doing and even if I didn't understand fully at first, I learned really quickly.

Women are just as patriotic, have just as strong of a desire to defend, and want to be there for their comrades just like men. So really, it may be fine to you that you don't want to see it, but then look away. Because your queazy stomach isn't going to stop MY desire to serve my country.
I don't want to see men killed, maimed and blown to pieces. I find it more than just a bit disturbing.

It is their choice - if that is what they want to do, then so be it.

Personally, as the mother of a soldier, I wouldn't want to see anyone on the battlefield. Although I respect them, and am truly grateful for their sacrifice.
Women shouldn't go to war. It is just a crazy thing to do IMO. See women can defend the country in other ways such as staying behind and looking after the family or even being a nurse in the military. But as far as front lines NO! Now men have to place to prove their man hood so to speak. It is all ridiculous women aren't made to go to war!
It's about time they started pulling their weight. Of course, it is fairly annoying that they insist on diluting the effectiveness of male regiments with their presence. They should simply be formed into all female regiments to preserve the quality of the male troops.
they wanted equality in that manner, so be it . Maby they can came back from some battles with a little more respect for what men have been doing for way to long of time .
Well, too bad. If women want to go out and fight for their country and risk death in the process, that's exactly what they're going to do. It's sad that anybody has to do this, but that's how the world works.
The reality of nature is that women are different from men, and incapable of combat warfare with men, however ignorance and ego will demand they die horrible deaths to prove that fact!
honestly its all disturbign men or women

war is disgusting
I don't think strenght has anything to do with todays fighting. Fitness and training are the determining factors, both of which women can be just as good as men at.

Your arguement assumes there'll always be way more men than women in the army. If there was true equality (we're talking about a proper war here) then there'd be no fighting as there'd be plenty of women to go round (in fact i'd see it as a moral boost).

The fact is that human beings are more or less monogamous, that's how we've evolved. I highly doubt we'll ever see every man going with 10 women. The women would get jealous and assuming we're talking about average women and not 10 hot models here, the man would probably find himself only sleeping with one or two of the women, and eventually falling in love with just one of them.

In fact for population it would be better if women went aswell. After the world wars there were millions of women who never married due to a gender imbalance. If women went to war aswell, less men would die and there'd be no gender imbalance.

Guess which country had women fighting alongside men at the front in ww2?


and guess which country won ww2? yes, russia.

enough said.
whats so disturbing about blowing women?...erm...

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